Thursday, June 3, 2010


Gained a new appreciation for the older generation. Sat and talked with an older lady a while back and was amazed by the conversation. This lady was amazing to me. She lives in this area, and doesn't really have a lot if any family around, but it doesn't seem to phase her. A devout Christian is an understatement for this particular person. After five minutes of conversation you can tell that she is a individual with a purpose in live. I hope and pray that I can be that type of person when I am her age.

Been a week of over analyzing. Topic of choice this week, 'Relationships'. I go through phases like this every now and again, and it kind of sucks (to be plainly honest). I don't necessarily look into this as I wish everything was different, but "Am I in the right places across the board?". I tend to value relationships differently than others. As most of you know I view things very black and white, so my relationships tend to fall into those categories. Agree or disagree with me if you want, but that is just how I am. So what I tend to do is put one pile of relationships into that extremely close category, and the others kind of go into that 'acquaintance' category. I often times find myself creeping to the middle of that gray area, and that is when my analytical side kicks in. That is when it sucks, because I want things to be extremely defined, and categorized. That is usually when I will a) try to morph things into that extremely close category, because I feel like that is where it should be, or b) I will just let it go the the wayside. Sounds weird, but I think we can see situations in life were we have done that before.

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