Thursday, April 29, 2010


Well defines perception as:
1. the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
2. immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight; intuition; discernment

By looking at these two definitions this word seems very black and white, but is it really? We can all grasp the concept of the fact that we see something in our lives, and draw a perception about it. I don't really think this is very hard to understand, but I feel we have problems with the second part of this equation. It is the part where our perception isn't the same as someone else.

How many times have you and I included, been frustrated by someone else because they aren't seeing things the way you do, or the way you want them to. Well for me, it's happened a lot. In the moment it can sometimes be hard to decipher the correct way to act, due to the fact that we are selfish creatures. We want things the way we want them to be, end of story.

So to my point:
All I am trying to say is that we are all different people, at different stages, or from different walks of life with the key word being different. Why can't we understand this concept? People always say the world would be boring, if everyone was the same, but sometimes I feel like people are trying make everybody think and act alike.

Let me be very clear in regards to this topic. I don't think we as a society should always condone other people's perception. However, I do feel that we should understand the fact that others have a different point of view about something.

So back to the question. Is 'perception' something that can be Black and White?

Monday, April 26, 2010

What's this blog about

This blog will mainly be a culmination of thoughts, feelings, and events in my life. I thought it would be pretty cool to share the happenings in my life with the people I don't necessarily see or talk to on a day to day basis.

Why the Title

I have thought about starting a blog for quite some time now, but could never settle on one name. I literally wrote down and thought about a lot of names before I thought of this title.

I have often pondered this exact thought throughout my life, and it can be a topic that creates endless conversation.

Have you ever tried to answer this question??
If you have, then you have probably come many conclusions. Well I have what I like to call 'a back door mentality' about this question. I believe, in life, that we focus entirely to much on a name/title that we lose focus, or sometimes can't even see what is in front of us. Think about it, Stereotypes, social statuses, race, and so on. All of these things often times keep of us from meeting people or even encountering a situation that could change our lives forever. I struggle with this subtle problem as much as the next person, but I often find myself asking this very question.